How does an RPA triumph? Ten rules that test automation success

Automation is good, so long as you know exactly where to put the machine.
Eliyahu Goldratt

RPA has emerged as a game changer in the evolving digital landscape and is rapidly changing the dynamics of the new age businesses. The benefits of RPA are far fetched and it brings about tangible benefits to the businesses without having to boil the ocean!!!. So what makes Robotic Process Automation tick and what is the success mantra?

Business that are driving change need to clearly define the scope of automation and the think tank needs to be specific about the expected outcomes. This would ensure that they do not run fast on the wrong lane.

The used cases need to be aligned to the test strategy and the test coverage can be validated through a well defined traceability matrix. This would ensure that all the business scenarios are covered with optimal execution.

Adherence to IT security and governance standards. This would enable businesses to ensure continuity of their operations and maintain the cyber hygiene required for safe guarding against cyber attacks and vulnerability.

Setting up of predefined rules would ensure that the repetitive tasks are carried out consistently and the business outcomes are up to scale.

Leverage on cutting edge tools like process mining that would enable businesses to identify and implement solutions to re-engineer their process for enhanced efficiency.

Build a standard operating model that would result in simple and standard processes before chalking up the plans for automation leading to the right investment climate.

Integrate the automation process with Artificial Intelligence for human interaction that would provide the platform for effective decision making supported by data analytics.

Actively emerge with clientele to identify the business requirements and customise the automation agenda to suit the business demand.

Cross skill the digital workforce in the emerging technologies would position them to handle change and go with the flow.

Embrace change and foster a culture of innovation by building trust and leadership faith.

We at Xforia technologies are looking at ways to identify automation opportunities that would deliver strategic solutions for our customers and enrich their digital experience. We are committed to delivering excellence through evolving automation techniques for long term sustainable business models.