22 Jan On Demand Workforce and the Future of Work
Quality management starts with building a high-quality workforce.
Pearl Zhu
The onslaught of the digital era has brought about rapid changes in the businesses through Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation. Businesses which are at crossroads due to shortage of skill sets and dynamic demographics of labour are currently engaging gig workers who can cater to their specific requirements on an ad hoc basis. Let’s look at some of the factors that would play a key role in sustaining the on-demand workforce.
Companies would need to have a structured framework and a strategic approach for embracing the new gig economy. Taking too much time for hiring such on-demand skilled workforce could lead to project delays and missed opportunities. Hence the C-level leadership needs to have a well defined road map to identify the freelance talent that can deliver the business outcomes within the expected timelines.
The dynamics of changing labour demographics have led to the rise of new age job seekers who are willing to take up part time assignments. Businesses need to capitalise on the emerging work ecosystem in order to leverage on the budding millennials. Tech savvy freelance workforce have different work ethics compared to conventional job seekers. Feeling of more control over the job and autonomy of work drives the new age on-demand workforce. Start-ups and big companies need to be constantly on the look-out for fresh talent through digital platforms that can challenge the existing processes and deliver change for the future.
Businesses also need to be in constant touch with their existing employees who have served them long. These employees could have fears that can lead to apprehensions about their careers. Thoughts about job insecurity and getting phased out can get them demotivated. Hence its extremely critical that the leadership team connect with their staff on a regular basis and communicate with them regarding the challenges faced along with the proposed solutions.
With on-demand workforce gaining momentum jobs would be based on remote working, empowering individuals with more freedom and enhanced income opportunities. Job roles would become more decentralised leading to better creativity and progressive ideas resulting in better productivity and efficiency. Up-skilling the existing workforce in the new age skills and integrating them with the talent platform would pave the way for sustainable digital innovation.
To address the issues faced by the on-demand workforce labour laws and structure of labour reforms need to be revisited for inclusive growth of the future job market. Restructuring of work needs to be carried out in order to mitigate the effects of automation and de-risk any potential job loss.
We at Xforia Technologies are keen on identifying digital talent and constantly on the lookout to enhance our digital footprint to cater to the dynamic demands of the future, through digital transformation.