02 Jun RPA: Helping People Battle COVID 19
The Covid-19 situation is an opportunity for us to accelerate healthcare transformation
Alexander Yip
With the COVID pandemic on the rise, every human being across the globe is put into a crisis. The pandemic is slowly taking over the human race and has put our entire world at high risk. This is a circumstance where humans are becoming vulnerable to the infections when directly involved in extending a helping hand against this decade’s crisis COVID -19. This pandemic has forced the health care sector to face many challenges that were unpredicted and also simultaneously helped to find digital solutions to tackle COVID.
Usage of Robotic Technology
In the present scenario, where humans are forced to have a limited presence in helping the COVID crisis, robots are being used to do this. Even though the usage of robots in many sectors is not completely new, COVID has helped the health sector pioneer more into the RPA area by involving the robots. Much to the relief of our human race, robots are now replaced by many human services to tend to the COVID crisis.
For instance, in many places, robots are deployed to sanitize COVID containment zones, to provide nursing to COVID patients and it is also used in few retail spaces to fill the orders placed by the customers. Thus the health sector and retail space have started using much of Robotic Process Automation to limit the risk of human exposure thus containing the virus to a great extent. Robots, which are now seen as a human replacement, have helped extremely the whole world to flatten the COVID raise curve.
Make Use of customized robots for needs to help COVID impacted communities
According to the latest statistics, the globe has seen a 40% increase in robot usage to help humans address the COVID crisis. In upcoming days, this percentage is only expected to grow but not decline as the world is ready to return to its normal state. These robots are helping many essential services to resume without putting humans at risk.
Many organizations have come forward to provide customized robots according to each field’s requirements using custom RPA Integration Solutions. This gives a big relief to the health care workers who are battling this virus from the front line daily thus getting infected easily. This according to the daily has saved many lives of the health care workers thus eliminating any human error in following safety precautions while tending to patients.
If the world will continue to fight in this way to contain the pandemic by putting our health care workers in front, it could prove to be challenging and will also lead to an increase in COVID cases. To tackle this risk, robots can be of great help to the health sector and can contribute to controlling the spread of the disease.
Best Digital Transformation in Healthcare and Retail Sector
As an opportunity for growth and also to enable COVID impacted communities to get back to normal, it will be best to make use of the robots. These robots can not only be used to help treat affected patients but also can be used to identify possible spread in a community by not exposing the health care professionals directly. Since the beginning of this pandemic in February 2020, it is reported that usage of the robots for COVID treatment and services are rapidly increasing double-fold every month.
When speaking about the retail sector, as social distancing has become a new normal and also is predicted to continue in the future, many supermarkets and restaurants have started to employ robots for industry transformation and new and enhanced customer experiences. There is a huge interest shown by the retail owners to employ robots to get the inventory information and to identify stock levels and optimization opportunities, thereby providing a safe environment for warehouse workers.
While we are learning to live with COVID, it is not a bad idea to embrace robotic intelligence sourced by humans, which can help our race to return back to normal by following norms of social distancing and safe practices going forward.
Xforia understands that Robotic Process Automation may not be your core business and often you may struggle trying to find solutions to your everyday process automation challenges.